Top 50 I love you messages and wishes

Many people argue that sincere feelings do not allow verbosity, but being able to describe them with a couple of phrases is extremely important for your soulmate. If you cannot formulate I love you message, then you can borrow some from this post and write a beautiful confession in your own words.

Your declaration of great feelings will say more than a huge bouquet or an expensive gift. Beautiful words can show your real emotions. It is not just a text, but these are your feelings.

Love messages

These 'I love you' messages are a collection of touching and beautiful confessions. We have gathered SMS that will tell about your passion or romantic and tender emotions. Confess your feelings excellently! Our pieces of advice will help you to do it.

Love message for him

Outdated stereotypes of behaviour still prevent many women from taking the first step. We propose you take courage and confess your feelings elegantly and unusually! Perhaps the proposed loving you message for him will become a magic thread that will bind you two very soon, because it is impossible to forget such sincere words about passion, love and tenderness.

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80+ romantic crush quotes to help you express your secret love

  • I never thought that it was possible to know someone so well and at the same time feel that there is so much that has not been discovered in this person. I never knew that the words "I love you" each time sound like the first time. I have never met a person with whom the hours would fly like minutes, and with whom I would never want to be apart. I have never found much close and dear person like you.
  • You are only one in my heart, my world, my universe. You are mine, only mine! Your look drives me crazy; voice makes my heart beat faster. You are all the most beloved and cherished for me. It is impossible for me to breathe, exist, live without you! You are my bright ray of happiness in this darkness of endless, identical days. I live only for you. I love you very much!
  • You are the first guy I really love. I can no longer think of anyone else because all thoughts are about you. I can not sleep at night because I dream of meeting with you. I miss you.
  • There is a strange coincidence. So much time I was looking for something. You have appeared unexpectedly. And everything is like in a dream, not in a dream, but like in a movie. I thought it happens only in the film. Just all the circumstances came coincidentally one day so that we could find each other. It must be fate.
  • Probably, everything should have been exactly like this and no other way. And I am happy because of it. And it becomes terrible that if something went wrong, we would never know each other. I want to admit that I love you very much from the very moment we met. I hope that this is mutual.

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50 best happy anniversary quotes to make them smile

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  • I am the happiest girl in the world, because I have you, baby. My feelings are sincere and bright, and I hope for mutuality. I want to cuddle up to your shoulder and forget about everything. Everything is easy being with you. Your attention, caress, tenderness fascinate me. May the fire of our feelings grow ever brighter, may all our plans come true. I will thank the fate of all my life for the fact that it gave me you, my only and most desirable man.
  • You know, I have long wanted to tell you something. It has been tormenting me for a long time. Since we started dating, a lot of things happened during these months. I thank you for every happy moment with you. It is time to make meaning perfectly plain. I want to say that ... I LOVE YOU!
  • If you live a hundred years, I want to live a day less, because I do not want to live a day without you. If you jump from the bridge, I will not jump after you, and I will catch you under the bridge. Everyone can hear what you say, but only I will hear what you are silent about because I really love you.
  • My prince, the only and most desirable man, I was so lucky to meet you. You gave me the purest and most beautiful feeling called love. I bloom like a fabulous flower and feel happy only next to you. I look forward to every meeting. You are the angel who gives me hope. You are my dream. I love you, my unique man. May God always keep us.
  • The whole point of my life is you! I fall asleep and think about you! I wake up and think about you! I sleep at night and smile because I think about you. I am ready to shout everywhere about my feelings. I can not imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, kisses and hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

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150+ romantic love message for my wife to make her feel special (with images)

  • The strongest and most beautiful feeling in the world is love. Each of us experienced these exciting minutes of meeting with fate. From a small spark, this feeling develops into a huge, blazing bonfire, which can never be extinguished. You sparked this great feeling in my heart. I love you, and I want always to be side by side with you. I feel like a small child, protected and supported only with you.
  • I loved you since the creation of the world. I loved you so many lives in a row, infinitely loved you! I will be with you to the last breath. I loved, love and will love you even more.
  • My long-awaited prince, every day I thank fate for such a royal gift. After all, you are the dream of every girl, and therefore I am the happiest in the world. Such a courteous, so attentive, so kind and the most handsome guy in the world is next to me. I love you madly and deeply. May our feelings flourish every day more and more, may them be beautiful and pure. Let the sun always shine over our heads.
  • Love is the most wonderful feeling. I was fortunate to meet you, my best man on earth. You are a long-awaited prince from a fairy tale: charming, attentive, and very handsome. I look forward to our every meeting because you are the most beautiful creature in the world. I love you and hope for mutuality. I wish you all the best and let everything that you have in mind come true. You are a strong, gentle and real man. Always stay that way, my happieness.
  • I love you every second, minute, hour, day, night, week, month, year and century. We found each other among a million people, and now we are two halves of one big heart. If you do not think so, then I can no live longer, because the heart can not beat only in half.

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Compilation of the best love messages for your boyfriend

  • There is no such force in the world to stop love. This feeling inspires us, makes us the happiest in the world. I love you, my dear, and I want to be always with you. You are my hope, my joy and dream. I love your radiant smile so much, your beautiful eyes, and sweet kisses. We are two halves, and our happiness is precious. You are attentive, caring, and kind person. So let you always get lucky, and I will always be with you side by side.
  • My life has entirely changed since I met you, my heart. I always want to please you and feel your secure shoulder. You are my dream. Every day I look forward to meeting you, I want you to love me, and I do everything possible for it. Honey, I wish we always be together, and our ship of feelings never meet obstacles in its path. Be always so cheerful, courageous, joyful and fortunate.
  • My dear man, I become the happiest next to you. Thank you very much for the beautiful moments of our relationship. I love you for tenderness and severity, boundless feelings. Every moment of our amazing romance and true intimacy give me happiness, which is impossible to refuse.
  • I just want to be the only with you. I want to make breakfast for you and kiss you in the morning, accompany you to work and meet you after. I want to know that I am important to you, that we will do a lot of things together and, of course, we will go on the path of life side by side. Dear, we will be together not only today, tomorrow, in a month, but all my life. Remember, I was waiting for you for my whole life.
  • My dear man, I feel immense happiness with you. You know, this fantastic feeling appeared from the very beginning of our communication and I want to admit that it does not disappear for a day. Let our relationship be long and multilateral so that only enjoyment and vivid emotions will be received.

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Top hottest 50 romantic love messages for her and him

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  • Honey, I look forward to our date, hoping that it will definitely be special and will be able to inspire us to something new. Perhaps we will be ready today to uncover new facets of amazing feelings. Remember, in any case, I want to be only with you. During the first meeting, I realised that you are my fate.
  • My dear, I do not know what words can express my attitude for you. Day after day, I understand more and more that I enjoy only one thing, that I love such a wonderful person like you. I want you always to be sure of my tender feelings. I do everything to make you happy.
  • My sun, there will always be not enough time to be with you. I like to talk to you on different topics because you give such wonderful and necessary advice. You always support me, give me strength, and help me to cope with various problems and issues. There is no person dearer and closer than you, darling.
  • I want to spend every free second with you. You can calm me down even when I am angry. You know how to find ways out of various situations, so I never get scared with you. I really want to confess to you once again in love and say that I have always dreamed that my man was as you are.
  • My boy, I have never been as happy as I am now. It was you who could paint my life in different colours. My dear, I really want us to share our sorrows and joys. Only in this way we can be truly happy. My heart, I want to thank you for all that you do for me. Believe that there is no greater happiness for me than waking up next to you, falling asleep next to you, spending all free time with you.

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Love quotes for him that he will definitely enjoy

In these texts, you will definitely find the most suitable option for your second half. Surprise your man with beautiful and soulful words.

Love messages for her

Not all men can write poetically, and women understand it. Send a beautiful letter to your girlfriend, pick up exactly those words that you have long wanted to say to her. And if writing love messages will cause you difficulties, find the most appropriate sample of a sweet message for her below.

  • Baby, I love you madly. You are the only one with whom I want to be always. Every day I love you more and more. Although not much time has passed, I can say with confidence that I would like to live with you all my life. My feelings are so strong that you can not even imagine.
  • I love you very much with my soul, heart, body and every cell of it as you are the most desired girl in the world. I thank my destiny, God and your parents for giving you to me. You are my angel, honey, life. All the words are not enough to describe you!
  • I have changed, absolutely everything since you appeared in my life! I realised that you are the best, and I no longer need anyone except you. I always want to be with you, to look into your eyes, hold you soft hand, kiss your sweet lips and say how much I love you. Every day my feelings is getting stronger because my life makes sense only when you are next to me. You are forever in my heart.
  • As soon as we met for the first time, I immediately understood that it was love at first sight. It never happened to me before. Then I became more and more convinced that I had met my soul mate that I had been waiting for all my life. I dream about you every night as I do not find a place for myself without you. I love you with all my heart and soul.
  • My dear, I do not know what is happening in your soul. I just want to say that your love is the best thing that happened to me. I am grateful to the Almighty that I met you. I can not imagine how I would live without you.

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150+ loving you SMS: best romantic love messages in 2024

READ ALSO: Thinking about you messages to melt her heart

  • I never thought that it can be possible to think about the same person all day long, about a person with whom you always feel good and comfortable, with whom you never want to be apart, with whom the clock hours pass in minutes. Sunny, I miss you so much! I want us always to be together. I want to tell you all my life that I love you.
  • You are like space just as mysterious and boundless. You are galactically beautiful and made up of millions of sparkling stars. I was lost in your world. I wander among your stars and try to find in you my own planet, your heart.
  • All the flowers of the planet are nothing compared to your beauty, my heart. You are my beautiful scarlet flower, and I am ready to protect you all my life. Every moment spent with you is happiness. You completely changed my character, told me you how to look at life more easily.
  • You burst into my dull life like bright fireworks. You gave me joy and happiness. Sweet, tender and most beautiful girl on earth, I love you. I will fulfil all your desires, if only you were happy. May my heart be a talisman for you. Let the Lord bless you. I want to live all my life in your sweet hugs.
  • My dear, my sun, I still remember that beautiful day when I saw you for the first time. You were so cute and sweet. Your eyes, I could not forget them. I am ready to listen to your laugh every day. I thought it was all a dream because such beauty cannot exist on earth. And finally, you are mine. I knew we should be together. You are my destiny. You are my everything.

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Top love messages to send to your husband when he is away

  • You gave me bright emotions and proved that the world could be not dull, but truly beautiful and colourful. Thank you dear for what you are doing for me. You are the best girl for me because I know that we can be together further. We can discover the positive facets of being and make our dreams come true. You know, I do not want to hide my feelings. I want to implement them every day in any actions for you. In old age, we will remember our first date with a smile.
  • It seems to me that our love is like the sea: sometimes it is stormy, sometimes calm. My dream is only to sit as often as possible near the sea with you, my baby.
  • My angel! I can not speak excellently, but you understand me. Since the day we met, everything in my life has changed. I look at the future differently, and I see it only next to you. I want to give you happiness, to surround you with care. You are very important to me because I love you very much.
  • I never thought that I could go crazy for love. But it happened. It does not matter the distance between us, because you are forever in my heart. How much your smiling eyes, your voice, the warmth of your hands mean to me. Every time I fall in love with you again. Thousands of phrases about it will not fully describe the feelings that I have for you. You are my light, my joy, my fate!
  • You have become the meaning of my life. I never thought it could be possible to love so much. Since we met, I cannot live a day without you, my most beautiful woman in the world!

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150+ deep love letters for her that'll make her cry: Most romantic ones

  • I like everything in you: your big brown eyes, framed by lush eyelashes, and dark silky brown hair that you so much like to lay in a bun, your graceful figure, and your singing voice, and even a small birthmark on your wrist. You are perfect and unique!
  • It seems to me that you have fascinated me with your dazzling beauty, with your mild voice, with your tenderness. I want to kiss you, want to hug you, want to touch your skin, want to be with you and only with you
  • I feel terrible without you. The world without you loses colour and fades. I want to be next to you now. I want to hug your frail shoulders, kiss your tender plump lips, touch your hair. You are an angel and the most beautiful girl in the world! I love you very much!
  • My sweetheart, I have been looking for you for so long. And when I met your eyes, I realised that my life without you makes no sense. I will go to the ends of the earth if you wish. You are my dream, my reward, my baby. Every minute of my life is devoted only to you. There is the whole world in your eyes. Your voice is the song of my ears. I praise God for this blessing to meet you on my life path. You are my life!
  • Do you know that you are everything to me? I will die without you. We have been together so long that we have become soul mates. I feel when you are hurt when you are frightened when a smile touched your lips. And I want to protect you, wrap in my arms, and hold you close to my heart. It is more then love!

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100+ things to say to your long distance boyfriend to keep the spark alive

  • I do not know if there is a stronger feeling than love. You have completely changed my life. Now I know what to live for and what true genuine happiness is. My heart overflows with joy when I see you. All my thoughts are devoted only to you. I want to give you only pleasure and moments filled with happiness and warmth. You are my little angel with sparkling eyes!
  • Darling, I will do everything in the world so that you always smile. If you freeze, I will warm you; if you get sick, I will heal you; if you get sad, I will amuse you. After all, you are the most important person that I have in this world. I do not need any gifts, just give me your love!
  • You are the closest person to me in this vast world, and I am happy that I met you once and learned what true love is. On the way to your heart, obstacles will not stop me. I love you, and I am happy from the thought that one day you will be mine forever!
  • Honey, I carefully keep your bright image in my memory. Every word your tender lips say comes to me with a song. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I do not hear the words themselves. I just hear the magic sound of your voice. You look like a bottomless ocean, where I want to dissolve and forget about everything. Your touches are like magical rituals that make me want only you and love you forever. Thank you, dear, that you with me!
  • The sound of your voice is like a melody for my heart. It is sweet, gentle and magical. The touch of your hands makes me forget about everything that seemed important before. The expression on your face is a divine picture created by an inspired artist. And I know who inspired him. Darling, I want to dissolve in your beauty and charm, knowing the bliss of infinity.

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150+ best goodnight messages for him to make him smile today

Believe me, your second half will definitely appreciate this gesture and will reread the lines of your message filled with love and tenderness for a long time.

It is difficult to confess your feelings. Everyone wants tender words to touch the heart of their loved one and remain in memory forever. Passionate or tender, frank or timid I love you message will help you to express any shades of feelings. Love is the most valuable thing a person can have, so maybe it is time to share it.

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