4 women WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt has been romantically linked with in real life

In early 2009, Bray Wyatt joined WWE. He spent about 12 years as a regular competitor in the Stamford-based company, during which he became a top superstar. The 35-year-old won several titles during his first run, including three world titles. Although WWE released Wyatt from his contract in July 2021, he recently returned to the sports entertainment giant at Extreme Rules.

During his time in the company, rumors romantically linked The Eater of Worlds to a few women, including some of his WWE co-workers. Earlier this year, the former Universal Champion got engaged to one of these ladies.

Here are four women WWE Superstar Bray Wyatt has been romantically linked with in real life.

#4. Samantha Rotunda

Bray Wyatt and Samantha Rotunda married in 2012

While studying at Troy University in Alabama, Bray Wyatt first met Samantha Rotunda. After dating for a few years, the couple welcomed their first daughter, Kendyl, in 2011. About a year later, Wyatt and his long-time girlfriend tied the knot. The following year, they had their second daughter, Cadyn.

Wyatt and Samantha's marriage lasted for nearly five years. However, the couple divorced in 2017 after Wyatt's wife accused him of cheating on her with one of his WWE co-workers.

In June 2017, Samantha sent a message to the father of her daughters on Instagram.

"You made not a mistake but a year and a half in the making, life long decision, in front of the world that will forever change me and our girls lives. You were selfish; out and about with no care to who saw you two together. You hurt me, crushed me, shattered my world. YOU were my world; our world; #kingofourcastle...you lost us, our family we worked so hard to make and protect. you made a choice," she wrote.

Wyatt seemingly has a close relationship with his daughters, Cadyn and Kendyl. Over the past few years, he has posted a few photos with them on his Instagram.

#3. Former WWE ring announcer JoJo Offerman

While working in WWE, Bray Wyatt entered into a romantic relationship with former ring announcer and Total Divas star JoJo Offerman. The couple's relationship came to light in 2017 when the former Universal Champion's wife accused him of having an affair with the 28-year-old.

In 2019, Wyatt and JoJo welcomed their first son, Knash. About a year later, they had their second child, a baby girl called Hyrie.

Earlier this year, the couple announced their engagement. Last April, JoJo posted a few photos of herself wearing her engagement ring on her Instagram account.

"A million times YES! 😍😭 I love you Windham and I cant wait to marry you (even though it feels like we're already married 😜) Here's to forever ❤️ @thewindhamrotunda," she captioned the pictures.

JoJo recently reacted to her fiancé's return to WWE on Twitter, stating that she was proud of him.

#2. WWE ring announcer Samantha Irvin

Samantha Irvin (left) and Bray Wyatt (right)

A few months before WWE released Bray Wyatt from his contract, Samantha Irvin joined the company. She is currently a ring announcer on Friday Night SmackDown.

Irvin has been dating former Intercontinental Champion Ricochet since last year. About two weeks ago, she tweeted a photo with her boyfriend that received an unexpected comment.

"Weren't you dating Bray Wyatt? Where was I when that ended?" a fan asked Irvin.

The current SmackDown ring announcer replied to the fan's comment with a single word, "wow."

A few other users also replied to the fan's tweet, explaining that JoJo is the one in a relationship with Wyatt.

#1. Former WWE RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss

In 2020, Alexa Bliss aligned herself with The Fiend (Bray Wyatt). The two superstars worked together on-screen for about a year before Bliss turned on her ally at WrestleMania 37, during his match against Randy Orton.

While they worked together, a few fans believed that Bliss and Wyatt were dating in real life. Commenting on the news of Bliss getting engaged to musician Ryan Cabrera in November 2020, a fan stated that he thought she was in a relationship with The Eater of Worlds.

"I thought she was dating Bray Wyatt?" the fan tweeted.

Despite being paired together on-screen, Bliss and Wyatt never dated. While the returning superstar is now engaged to JoJo Offerman, Bliss recently tied the knot with Cabrera.

Poll : Were you excited to see Bray Wyatt return to WWE?

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