How To Downgrade Node Version In Macos

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Downgrading Node on macOS: A Hilarious Odyssey (Because Apparently Progress Isn't Always Our Friend)

Let's face it, sometimes the universe throws a curveball. You update Node.js, all excited about shiny new features, and suddenly your project throws a tantrum like a toddler denied another cookie. "This version of Node isn't compatible!" it screams. Well, fret not, fellow developer comrades! We've all been there. But fear not, for I, your friendly neighborhood guide to the slightly-less-shiny-but-functional past, am here to help you downgrade Node on macOS.

Here Be Dragons (Unless You Use Homebrew)

There are a few ways to downgrade Node on macOS, but if you're not using Homebrew, buckle up. It's gonna be a wild ride through the uncharted territories of your system files. (Unless you're a seasoned adventurer, this is where you might want to consider grabbing a friend, some snacks, and maybe a sacrificial offering to the tech gods.)

For the brave souls who choose to forge their own path, there be cryptic commands and a high chance of things going sideways. We (by which I mean the internet) recommend using Homebrew for this quest. It's a package manager that makes things much simpler and less error-prone.

Enter Homebrew, Your Downgrading Knight in Shining Armor

If you don't have Homebrew installed already, well, that's a story for another time. For now, let's assume you're a Homebrew hero. If you are, pat yourself on the back. You've already made your life a whole lot easier.

Here's how to downgrade Node using Homebrew:

  • Unearth the Relic of Node Versions Past: First, use the following command to see what Node versions are available through Homebrew:
  • Bash
    brew search node 
    Use code with caution.content_copy

    This will reveal a list of available Node versions, like a dusty tome in an ancient library.

  • Banish the Usurper (Current Version): If you have the latest version of Node installed, you'll need to unlink it using this command:
  • Bash
    brew unlink node 
    Use code with caution.content_copy

    Basically, you're telling your system to stop using the current version and look elsewhere.

  • Summon the Chosen One (Desired Version): Now, it's time to call upon the specific Node version you need. Use the following command, replacing <version> with the actual version number you want (as seen in step 1):
  • Bash
    brew install node@<version> 
    Use code with caution.content_copy

    This is like bringing the chosen one out of retirement.

  • Ascend the Node Throne (Link the Version): Finally, you need to link the newly installed version so your system knows to use it. This magic happens with the following command:
  • Bash
    brew link node@<version> 
    Use code with caution.content_copy

    Now you've successfully dethroned the new Node version and crowned the old one king (or queen) again.

    And They Lived Happily Ever After (Except for Maybe Your Project)

    Congratulations! You've downgraded Node on macOS. Hopefully, your project will now run smoothly, free from the shackles of incompatibility. Just remember, downgrading might not always be the ideal solution. If possible, try to update your project to work with the newer Node version. But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

