Jessica Simpson's Cosmetic Surgery Transformation Explained

In her memoir, Jessica Simpson revealed that she ignored the advice of her doctor and pushed for a tummy tuck because she couldn't stand the way her body looked. "I was so ashamed of my body at this point that I wouldn't let Eric see me without a white T-shirt on," she writes in Open Book, per Us Weekly. "I had sex with it on and even showered with it on. I couldn't bear to look at myself."

In response to this fractured relationship with herself, Simpson scheduled a partial tummy tuck. While the plastic surgeon approved, Simpson says her own doctor did not, claiming he was worried about her liver due to her excessive consumption of alcohol and pills. He reportedly told her she "could die," but Simpson went forward with the surgery anyway. Before the operation, she says she "cut down on everything like someone cramming for a test."

Her recovery was fine, but the fashion designer felt like the partial tummy tuck didn't do enough to satisfy the perception she had about how her body should look. Simpson scheduled a second tummy tuck just two months later, but that one resulted in some serious complications. "I got an infection — colitis — and was vomiting so much I thought I was going to bust my sutures," she writes, per Us Weekly. Thankfully, Simpson recovered, but that moment wasn't the first time she'd struggled with her identity. 
