Meet Ramon Tikaram, voice actor of Overwatch 2's new Tank Hero Ramattra

Overwatch 2 is all set to introduce a brand new Tank Hero with the upcoming Season for the Hero-shooter. Blizzard has taken the opportunity to invite popular British voice talent Ramon Tikaram as he voices Ramattra, the Tank in Season 2.

Overwatch has returned to the audience with tons of changes this time around to ensure new players can also jump into the shooter. The Blizzard event made the popular shooter free-to-play to ensure more players try out Overwatch 2.

Ramattra is possibly going to be one of the most unique Heroes in Overwatch 2's Hero pool considering how versatile his abilities are. The Omnic is set to step foot into the shooter with Season two as Blizzard could reportedly also introduce a brand new map.

The most special part about Ramattra's addition is the voice behind the character, which was lent by none other than extremely popular voice actor and actor, Ramon Tikaram. The artist is no stranger to video games as he has already lent his voice to popular IPs (Intellectual Properties).

Everything you need to know about the voice behind Overwatch 2's Ramattra

Ramon Tikaram is the voice behind many popular characters from pop culture. He has brilliantly portrayed Ramattra and helped the Hero come to life as one can say after watching the character's official trailer by Blizzard.

Tikaram comes from a military background as the actor's father was an Indo-Fijian officer in the British Army. The actor's family frequently traveled during his youth because of his father's military service. The actor attended military school in Dover. He discovered his passion for acting after he went to study English at Kent University.

Ramon also made his mark in music and musical theaters as he received a recording contract and released two singles. Soon after, he also had two albums, namely Chill and Kiss. As for television, Tikaram has been involved in various popular shows like This Life on BBC TV, Game of Thrones on HBO, and Pennyworth on HBO Max.

Ramon's acting talent is not limited to the big screen. The actor also excels at creating powerful voices when it comes to portraying a video game character. Tikaram has lent his voice to characters like Dorian from Dragon Age: Inquisition, Godrick The Grafted from the Elden Ring, and finally Ramattra from our beloved Overwatch 2.

Ramattra's official trailer was enough for fans to see how brilliantly Ramon Tikaram has portrayed the character as the hero speaks about his life. Overwatch has always excelled at producing the best lore compared to all the other competitive shooters. This has helped players connect to the heroes they like and play as.

Good voice acting is the foundation for the lore to grow stronger in a fan's heart. Ramon is undoubtedly the perfect choice for Ramattra. As the actor's expertise already lies in this field, there was never any doubt regarding his ability to bring Ramattra to life.

The Overwatch 2 community is already happy over the casting choice. It can be assumed that Ramattra had a great impact on the fans.

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