Who's who in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's tour entourage? The stylist, hairdresser and more...

    The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are on their 'married couple' tour of Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga. And despite the tour being all about Harry and Meghan, and the Duchess' baby bump, attention has been on a number of other friendly faces too. The royals are travelling with ten members of their staff who have accompanied them from day one to make sure everything goes to plan. Find out who's who in Harry and Meghan's team, starting with…

    Samantha Cohen – Private Secretary

    Samantha Cohen previously worked as the Queen's Assistant Private Secretary, but after Harry's Private Secretary Ed Lane Fox stepped down earlier this year, Samantha filled his shoes. According to, she handed in her notice last year, but agreed to stay after she was offered her new position. Originally from Australia, Samantha joined the Buckingham Palace communications office in 2001. She worked in civil service and public relations before joining the royals.

    Amy Pickerill – Assistant Private Secretary

    Amy has been working as Meghan's private assistant secretary since February 2018. She was formerly Prince William, Kate and Prince Harry's senior communications officer, but Harry reportedly handpicked her from his office to be his wife's first assistant private secretary. Her role includes everything from organising Meghan's schedule to making sure she is briefed before every engagement, plus collecting flowers and gifts during walkabouts.

    Jessica Mulroney - Meghan's stylist

    Jessica Mulroney and her husband Ben touched down in Sydney shortly after Harry and Meghan. The stylist, who was flying from Toronto, has been on hand to help Meghan dress her growing baby bump. She's been best friends with the Duchess since Meghan's days acting on , and also worked as her stylist back then. Jessica is joining the royals in an unofficial capacity and is paying for her own expenses, therefore she is not part of the official tour entourage. 

    A hairdresser

    Meghan's trusted hairdresser George Northwood is also on tour. George, who tended to Meghan's locks for her wedding reception, will make sure the Duchess is preened to perfection for every engagement. The hairstylist is being paid for privately.

    A Personal Assistant

    Harry and Meghan have also been joined by a Personal Assistant, who will help with the organisation of each engagement. The royals are carrying out no fewer than 76, so there will be lots to do! Here, Meghan is pictured with her Assistant Private Secretary Amy Pickerill on tour in Ireland.

    Four members of the Royal Communications Team

    Harry and Meghan have a large communications team, but they have been joined by four communications officers on their tour, including a digital communications manager and a programme coordinator. Two additional people will join the tour in Fiji and Tonga to help with logistics.

    An Orderly

    With dozens of suitcases to offload from their planes and carry around from one hotel to the next, the royals will need an orderly. Not publicly named, Harry and Meghan's orderly is in charge of their luggage and belongings.
