Who is Ryan Nemeth and why does he have heat withCMPunk?

Ryan Nemeth is one of the wrestlers on the AEW roster, and wrestling runs in his family. He is the brother of Dolph Ziggler, who is currently signed to WWE.

Ryan was with Ohio Valley Wrestling, one of the early developmental territories for WWE, and went on to make appearances in NXT for a year. Ryan has been having a decent run in AEW, but it seems he has rankled AEW wrestler CM Punk, making his career effectively stop in its tracks.

The actual flare-up was between CM Punk and Adam "Hangman" Page. But later on, The Young Bucks got involved. Punk then did a shoot promo on The Young Bucks, calling them 'The Counterfeit Bucks.' This didn't go down well with Ryan Nemeth, who has a strong relationship with the duo.

Ryan Nemeth tweeted that CM Punk is the 'softest man alive,' and set up the trail for a feud between him and Punk.

This has led to Punk having a backstage conversation with Nemeth, where the younger AEW wrestler clarified his stance. But it seems that the conversation has not cooled down tempers.

Over the weeks, Nemeth and some wrestlers, including Matt Hardy have been sent back after their promo-shooting duties were cancelled. Nemeth was supposed to shoot for AEW: Collison in the "Being The Elite'' segment, but that was canceled.

Nemeth seems to be doing what he can to salvage the situation. The Hollywood Hunk has not just deleted the tweet that started it all, he has gone ahead and deactivated his account.

Ryan Nemeth will join up with brother Dolph Ziggler outside WWE

Ryan Nemeth's current feud could see him stay away from wrestling programming for a while, but he will have something else on his mind as well - and that involves his brother Dolph Ziggler.

He has a fledgling comedy career as well. And his brother Dolph will soon join up with him at The Comedy Store in California in a non-wrestling event. Very few wrestlers can mix up the world of comedy and wrestling, so that's another commendable task that Ryan is doing.

What do you think about the Ryan Nemeth and CM Punk feud? Will it boil down to nothing? Or will it remain festering? Tell us in the comments section.

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